How It all Began

When we got engaged Dan and I have been friends for nearly six years we only started dating on November the 11th 2001. We got engaged just 3 months later many thought we were mad but it just kinda happened. We had been talking lots curled in bed till the early hours (as most new couples do!!!) about the past and the future. Where in our dreams our journey though life would take us. The more we talked the more our paths seemed to be mirrored in our dreams in fact it was kinda scary we had been friends so long but never knew just how right for each other we were. I guess you never really know someone till you live with them. After a while it became clear that we both thought that this was someone that we could happily spend the rest of our lives with, though I think to begin with we where both kinda of afraid to admit so soon after getting together, but after a few more dawn chats this soon gave way to talk about getting engaged if we were still dating in a years time. Which brought many happy thoughts and dreams to us both.
Then one Friday night, after a few drinks too many, we where lying there chatting and it occurred to me that saying we would definitely get engaged in a year meant that in a way we were kinda already engaged then I realized I had said it out loud. Looked at Dan and he was smiling the most gorgeous smile that would have melted any heart and consumed in the moment, overwhelmed by love I just said "shall we" Dan just replied "Go on, on ask me properly". So I jumped out of bed, got down on one knee and said those little words.......(cont-->)
The Engagement Ring
"Darren Halpin will u marry me?" he said "Yes", A little while later we thought about it a little more and we decided it would be nice to have the romantic traditional proposal and that we where both a little too pissed to be making such big decisions, so we left it that Dan was to going to propose at sometime but be safe knowing he would get a certain Yes. We said we weren't going to make it public knowledge untill then, but a shared dream and goal.On the Saturday night things all changed again as our friends who had been engaged for a few months had come round to see us Fefe and her boyfriend where there too. We had been chatting earlier in the evening about our friends wedding plans when all of a sudden out of th blue our friend turned around and said "So when are you to getting married then". After the conversation we had the night before we both burst out laughing, wondering how she had guessed and if it was that obvious but also giving the game away! So we told them about the conversation we had the night before.A Photo taken on that Saturday Night So now it was official, we were engaged, well almost we put off it being official just once more till Dan had asked permission from my dad which he did on the Monday.
So as I say it all just kinda happened, I guess thats how it goes when you meet the right person.
Dan and I wanted to enjoy being engaged at the begining as we hadden been dateing long and not let the moment pass us by. Before we get all wrapped up in wedding plans and the stresses it brings. We want to enjoy each other and our first summer together. We are planning to have a summer of fun that we have nicknamed our "Summer of Memory Making", doing things together we can look back on in our old age with a smile. Something to bore the grand kids with. For this reason we have decided not to make any plans for the wedding until at least the September. When the long winter evenings draw in we will start sitting down with a cuppa of Hot Chocolate (with a little Brandy in!!) and start finalizing ideas and working out all the details, When the Time came we set the date for 9th august 2003 but family illness we postponed a year to 7th August 2004 Now we are at the year to go mark planning starting in ernest!! so watch this space and watch are idea develop.